Bringing the Arctic to Ringsfield Primary School

It was lovely to visit Ringsfield Church of England Primary School in Ringsfield, Suffolk, today to speak to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 about the Arctic, and about my experience of living and working in Nunavut in Arctic Canada.  I arrived in the full gear I would wear if I were out ‘on the land’ there, and the children enjoyed passing around and trying on lots of unique items.  I hope they all learned a lot about the Arctic as a homeland special to the people who live there, as well as a place with amazing animals and plants that are at risk from climate change.  Many thanks to all of them for their wonderful enthusiasm, and for their reams and reams of questions!  Many thanks, too, to the teachers there for inviting me into their classrooms.

If you’d like to introduce the Arctic to your primary school through a visit from someone who has first-hand experience of it—and who has a passion for the Arctic as an critically important part of our global human community as well as our planetary climate system—then don’t hesitate to be in touch!

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