My recent publication, “Nunavut,Greenland and the politics of resource revenues,” was cited in today’s National Post:
All Nunavut governments have maintained that getting a share of the potential wealth from the territory’s rich deposits of gold, uranium, iron and other resources are the key to weaning itself off its abject dependence on federal transfers. Mining companies spent more than $300 million in 2011 alone on exploration and development in the territory, which currently has one gold mine in operation and other major projects in the pipe.
Years of negotiations are likely to follow. But the outlines of a settlement may already be clear.
Observers have suggested the territory is likely to be offered a deal similar to the one signed by the Northwest Territories last year. The Yukon, which signed its resources deal in 2003, immediately asked Ottawa to match the N.W.T.’s agreement.
“(Nunavut) might wonder how much negotiating room really remains,” wrote former senior Nunavut finance bureaucrat Anthony Speca in an analysis in the latest Policy Options journal.
Read the full article by the Canadian Press on the website of the National Post.